150th Anniversary
Rose Hill Methodist will be celebrating its 150th Anniversary in 2025!! The Historic Sanctuary Committee has developed a list of celebration events for the anniversary in 2025. Many of these events are ones we already celebrate but which will get a special twist as part of our year-long celebration.
IT’S KICKOFF TIME!! Our first 150-year celebration event will be a “Sweet Hymn Sing” on Sunday, January 5, at 4:00 pm in the Faith Center. Come ready to sing your favorites. Invite friends and family. The congregation is asked to bring a “sweet” dessert to share.
JANUARY 5 – Sweet Hymn Sing
FEBRUARY 8 – Chili Supper
MARCH 2 – Re-dedication/Heritage Service (one service at 10:30 AM) followed by Fellowship Luncheon
APRIL 18 – Good Friday Fish Fry
MAY 11 (rain date May 18) – Honoring women of Rose Hill at church services. Picnic with band following at 12:00.
JUNE 15 – Honoring men of Rose Hill at church services. Time Capsule and Hamburger meal to follow
JULY – Ice Cream Social and school supply drive
AUGUST 24 – Family Games & Sno-Cones
FIRST WEEKEND OF OCTOBER – 150 Years of Transportation & Car Show
3rd WEEKEND OF OCTOBER – Missions Sunday: Blood Drive, Food Pantry Drive, Baby Supplies Drive
NOVEMBER – Artisans Day: demos of old skills and activities from church founding
DECEMBER 21 – Tree Lighting and Caroling with hot chocolate and Wassail
Rose Hill was a German settlement, and in 1875 the Spring Creek area was accepted as a mission by the southern German Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Three men, Friederick Oeft, August Beckendorff (ancestor of our own Arlie Beckendorf), and William Schulze became the first members in 1875. In 1876, a small framed church and parsonage was built. It was combined into one 22′ x 42′ building and also contained the living quarters of the preacher.
By 1879 there were 30 members with Camp meetings held for fellowship and to attract new members. Weekly prayer meetings were started at that time also. The church grew, and many volunteered materials and labor to build a new sanctuary in April of 1888 at a cost of $788.45.
Our first church building. 22′ x 42′, contained the church and parsonage.
Friederick Oeft
August Beckendorff
By Around 1888, folks donated money for a bell, a cost of $53.30 and the rope was $.75. It was picked up in Cypress at the railroad station, and the children rang the bell all the way back to Rose Hill. This bell still rings today in our Historical church. One gentleman, Victor Scholl, rang the bell for over fifty years.
The bell has been rung in the Historical Church since 1888.
Victor Scholl (right) rang the bell for over 50 years.
In honor of Rose Hill’s 150 years, we want to highlight people and events – past & present – that have made us the church we are. We are asking for contributions from the congregation – a short blurb on a person or event that you think is significant. Please send your blurb to Judith Hackney or Chris Kanewske.
150th Anniversary T-Shirts – We will be selling T-Shirts throughout the year, but if you want one now, you can order from Special-T, 1522 FM 2920, Suite 1, Tomball (behind Walter’s on the corner of Park Road). They have the logos on file and you can choose any style Tee you might want.
WE NEED YOUR HELP!! Volunteer forms are available below or paper copies in Church gathering areas with a list of the events and volunteer needs. We want everyone to participate to make this a successful, fun-filled year. Please consider areas where you can volunteer. Thank you!